The Half of It (2020) - Moviekimochi




Thursday, June 11, 2020

The Half of It (2020)

Genre  :Comedy, Drama, Romance
IMDB : 7.0/10


Film tersebut bercerita tentang perempuan yang mendapat bayaran untuk menulis surat cinta. Sampai saat ini, video berdurasi dua menit 46 detik tersebut telah tayang lebih dari empat juta kali. Film drama-komedi ini akan tayang di layanan streaming Netflix pada 1 Mei 2020. Pada film tersebut kita akan mengikuti kisah Ellie Chu, perempuan yang tidak begitu terkenal di kampus. Bahkan dia tidak memiliki teman dekat. Chu merasa dirinya berbeda dari yang lain dan tidak jarang mendapat perundungan. Walaupun tidak memiliki teman, dia berinteraksi dengan orang-orang sekelasnya dalam hal pekerjaan. Chu sering mendapat bayaran dari tugas esai yang rekannya minta. Sepertinya orang-orang di kelasnya tergolong malas mengerjakan tugas. Suatu hari, datanglah seorang pria bernama Paul Munsky. Awalnya Chu mengira Munsky ingin membeli esai untuk tugas kampus, tapi ternyata dia ingin meminta bantuan membuat surat cinta.

Munsky merupakan pria yang tidak begitu pandai masalah perempuan dan cinta. Awalnya Chu menolak, tapi setelah bertemu dengan Aster, target surat cinta Munsky, Chu berubah pikiran. Aster merupakan perempuan yang cantik, pintar, dan baik. Kemudian Chu membuat surat bahkan berteman dengan Aster. Pekerjaan baru Chu tersebut membuatnya dekat Munsky. Chu juga mengajari Munsky tentang perempuan. Munsky juga mulai membela Chu saat dia mendapat perundungan di kampus. Mereka semakin dekat dari hari ke hari. Keadaan tersebut seperti berubah dari hari ke hari. Chu masih belum tahu, apakah dia mulai mencintai Munsky atau masih murni sebatas pekerjaan. Para pemain yang bergabung di antaranya Leah Lewis, Daniel Diemer, Alexxis Lemire, Enrique Murciano, Becky Ann Baker, Catherine Curtin, Collin Chou, Wolfgang Novogratz, Haley Murphy, Alex D. Jennings, Joe Lanza, Billy Thomas Myott, Alexandre Bagot, Veronica Wood, dan Patrick Noonan. The Half of It berada dalam arahan sutradara dan penulis naskah Alice Wu. Sebelum film ini, Alice Wu juga merupakan sutradara Saving Face (2004).

Tells the story of women who get paid to write love letters. Until now, the two-minute 46-second video has aired more than four million times. This drama-comedy film will air on the Netflix streaming service on May 1, 2020. In the film we will follow the story of Ellie Chu, a woman who is not so well known on campus. He doesn't even have close friends. Chu felt he was different from the others and was not uncommon to get harassed. Even though he has no friends, he interacts with people in his class at work. Chu often gets paid from essay assignments that his colleagues ask for. It seems like the people in his class are relatively lazy to do the work. One day, there came a man named Paul Munsky. At first Chu thought Munsky wanted to buy an essay for campus work, but apparently he wanted to ask for help making a love letter.
Munsky is a man who is not very good at women's problems and love. At first Chu refused, but after meeting with Aster, the target of Munsky's love letter, Chu changed his mind. Aster is a beautiful, smart, and kind woman. Then Chu made a letter and even made friends with Aster. Chu's new work kept him close to Munsky. Chu also taught Munsky about women. Munsky also started defending Chu when he got harassed on campus. They are getting closer by the day. The situation is like changing from day to day. Chu still did not know whether he began to love Munsky or was purely limited to work. Players who joined included Leah Lewis, Daniel Diemer, Alexxis Lemire, Enrique Murciano, Becky Ann Baker, Catherine Curtin, Collin Chou, Wolfgang Novogratz, Haley Murphy, Alex D. Jennings, Joe Lanza, Billy Thomas Myott, Alexandre Bagot, Veronica Wood, and Patrick Noonan. The Half of It is under the direction of director and screenwriter Alice Wu. Before this film, Alice Wu was also the director of Saving Face (2004).

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